2/9/12 CrossFit Kids Run 1 Mile, Back Squats, & "Annie"

-Written by KC

It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.-Walt Disney

Kids Run 1 Mile for time!

Our CrossFit Kids followed through with quite a feat today by completing a 1 mile run for time, and EVERYONE finished! About 3 months ago, we ran 1 mile and some of the younger kids didn't finish, but that was not the case today.

The kids used a measuring wheel together to measure the distance around the building. They did the math to figure out how many laps it would take to run 1 mile(which turned out to be 11 laps). They put cones out, and some volunteer parents helped on each end of the building for safety (thanks Carrie, Ulu, and Arati who also ran 1 mile with the kids!) Well done kids!

After: All these kids were a little exhausted after the run. Those that were incredibly thirsty after the run, I found it an opportunity for us to discuss early hydration throughout the day well before a workout, as a way to prevent thirst while working out.

Results from the run shown below.

CrossFit Kids Workout of the Day

Run 1 Mile for time

Complete in your journal: Estimate how many laps you think will = 1 mile. Do the Math to calculate the distance: How many laps=1 mile?

Write your results, and completed 1 mile time in your workout journal.

Adult Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

Handstand Walk/Wall 5 min.

50 Ring Dips or 100 Bench Dips


Back Squat


Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps




Double Unders

Sit Ups

Coming up...


CrossFit AllStar