2/18/12 "Pyramid of Death"
-Written by KC
"Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda
CrossFit Draw the Tail on the Donkey
Just had to share this hilarious game played at the gym by the kids...
Pyramid of Death
Saturday's partner wod was huge and everyone did so WELL! Julia, age 13, was my partner and she finished this whole entire workout in good form and good intensity, but with a sour face every once in a while which is to be expected, she was working super hard! Marta and Layne are no longer using bands for pull ups!!!! They completed this wod with over 100 pull ups with no band and the loads as perscribed. Way to GO!
Workout of the Day
"Pyramid of Death"
Deadlift (225/185)
Wall Ball (20/14)
Sit Up
Pull Up
Partner Up. Partner A completes prescribed rep count on one movement, then Partner B. Continue working each rep sequence on each movement till complete.