6/7/12 Personal Paleo Favorite & The L-Pull Up

-Written by KC

L-Pull Up demo performed in the WOD today:

Modify by bending one knee up, or both. If you need a band, use it but try to keep one leg straight down in the band and one leg up and switch it out. If you are on Ring Rows, keep one leg up.

My Personal Paleo Favorite

I wrap everything in Swiss Chard or Mustard Greens to replace the bread! It's super easy, simple, and completely Paleo AND portable! I put some sliced turkey breast (highest quality I can get) on raw greens with Dijon mustard. Roll it up and call it a meal! I love these and I've been eating them for a long time because of their quick nature. I added leftover bacon to this version today and it was equally tasty!


Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

800 m. Run

Tabata Jumprope

Active Stretches, Squat stretch


Back Squat






*Rest 1-2 min. between sets

Conditioning WOD:

21-15-9 reps for time of:


Good Morning (45/35)


CrossFit AllStar