6/12/12 CrossFit Kids Do "Hope" Workout
-Written by KC
Kala'i on pull ups!
CrossFit Kids talk about "Hope"
As you may or may not know, the CrossFit world came together last Saturday to perform a workout called "Hope", to help raise money for one day's operating cost at St.Jude Children's Hospital. The goal was 1.7 million dollars, as of this post 1.3 million has been raised so far!
Our CrossFit Kids discussed this workout today, and performed one round of it. We talked about why CrossFitters would want to raise money to support a cause, and what the workout might mean to them.
The CrossFit AllStar Kids program is gearing up for a fundraiser event of their own...stay tuned for more about the "1 'Mo Rep-A-Thon" to help benefit the Michael Morriss Memorial Fund!CrossFit Kids Community
Lexey & Aiden Power Santches
Sophia, Lexey, and Kamau on Burpees
Kalai and the gang do Box Jumps
Our Kids version of "Hope"
Josh in an OverHead Squat with proper depth
Adult Workout of the Day
Warm Up: (5min. cap)
Double Unders
Hollow Rocks
Skill: Pull over on the bar (or Backward roll to support)
Pull over on the Rings
Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Conditioning WOD:
AMRAP 12min.
5 Box Jumps
10 Push Ups
15 Toes to Bar
5 Burpees
100m. Sprint on Rower
No Rower? Sub 10 SDLHP 45/35 using a bar or KB