6/29/12 Introducing Our NEW ALLSTAR EATS WEBPAGE & BLOG With Elin!
Click HERE to go directly to the NEW ALLSTAR EATS WEB BLOG!
A word from Coach KC:
Why start a new page on our website dedicated entirely to eating? Because this is what I see is the single most important part of your life, your fitness, and your ability to achieve your goals. When we talk about goals there is no difference between the person who comes into our box and wants to LOOSE weight, the person who wants to GAIN muscle mass & performance, or the person who cares less about weight but wants to get more fit and live better. The common denominator here is FOOD and how you approach it. FOOD IS YOUR FUEL. Dial it in and you will reap the rewards. For me personally, eating Paleo and having my head in the 'right place' has come to me through educating myself and making a conscious choice to do it, BE IT. Some people need more help than others, so this web blog is my attempt to add an additional FREE resource to our online community and our CrossFit AllStar gym in Waimea. I thank Elin Kalaniopi'o from the bottom of my heart, for what I am sure will be a grand data bank of recipes, resources, motivation and humor. We not only get to experience Elin's shares with words, but we will get to experience her PHOTOGRAPHY. For those of you who don't know, along with being an outstanding chef, Elin is an amazing photographer! Most of the professional photos on this site (all of the black and whites) are a credit to her talent and creativity. What's more, when you visit the AllStar Eats web page, each post will be categorized & tagged, so that you can easily access content and past recipes. As always, to find posts by keywords you can also use the 'Search this site' feature located in the right side bar of our site if you scroll down. That's all for now.....let the food games begin!
Where's Your Head At?
-Written by Elin
Simple can be joyous. Low maintenance can be fulfilling. Decadent need not be difficult.
Do reading the words 'Nutrition is the Foundation' scare you...
make your heart skip a beat, send you into a physical 'fight or flight' response. Do you equate nutrition with deprivation, view it as an all or nothing proposition? If so, good then you are in the right place! If not, well you are still in the right place... no matter where you go, there you are right?
Food is no different than mastering your Oly lifts, Handstand Push Ups or any other Crossfit movement. It takes a desire to show up, to do the work, and practice, practice, practice. Do to certain injuries some movements may not be available to you, same with food. No matter how good it is for you, maybe kale will just never be available to you because you can't stand it, or maybe you are allergic to eggs. And that's OK.
Good food fuels your body, but great food also fuels your spirit.
It is my hope that by highlighting recipes, either my own or those that I stumble upon in the big bad webosphere, that inspiration, joy and a little education can be found. So we begin the AllStar Eats Recipe Box.