7/17/12 Primal Movement at CrossFit AllStar in Waimea

-Written by KC

“Better to be strong than pretty and useless.” ― Lilith Saintcrow

How do you incorperate CrossFit Football into regular CrossFit classes?

After going to the CrossFit Football Trainer Course 3 weeks ago, I feel like all my High School Football memories are coming back to life! I am enjoying incorperating CFFB into our box it's been a great benefit to all of us and i'm so glad I went.

To get more CrossFit Football into your box, Incorporate these 8 CFFB(CrossFit Football.com) Primal Movements. 

  1. Squat
  2. Step
  3. Lunge
  4. Vertical Push
  5. Vertical Pull
  6. Horizontal Push
  7. Horizontal Pull
  8. Change of Direction

According to CFFB training methodology, we are training for strength, speed and power. We must train all areas.

We targeted these primal movements today with a strength set of Deadlifts (vertical pull), a conditioning wod of weighted step ups (Step/Lunge), shuttle sprints (change of direction), and weighted push ups (horizontal push).

Below: Left, Keawe on shuttle sprints outside our waimea box(sprint, stop, pivot, change direction, sprint, repeat) Right, Jarred sets ANOTHER DEADLIFT PR OF 455#!!! Way to go Jarred!

Below: Don on weighted push ups with a 25# plate

Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

2 min. Max DU

2 Min. max Burpee

2 min. max sit up



Warm Up light

Work: 1-1-1-1-1 Heavy

WOD: programmed by KC

AMRAP 20min.

30 Weighted Step Ups, 15 each leg (24/20” box & 45/35# Bar or sub DBs or KBs)

20 Weighted Push Ups (As heavy as possible)

10 Jingle Jangles (shuttle sprints 20’ fwd & bkwd=1 rep)

CrossFit AllStar Kids!

Forward rolls over the bar, rope climbs, and wall ball.

Above: Bradley works on his kipping pull ups.

Right: Extra rope makes for a great balance challenge.

CrossFit AllStar