7/24/12 Resisted Runs, New DL Box Record, and CF Kids
-Written by KC
Amazing CrossFit Athletes right here in Waimea on the Big Island!
Oh yeah, just cause we live on an island in the middle of the Pacific doesn't mean we are disconnected from the greater CrossFit Community. We are going for it right here in our own Waimea, Hawaii back yard.
I incorporated Band Resisted Runs today, being highly influenced from the CrossFit Football seminar I attended last month. These things are killers and you all did GREAT!
Right: Monica & Dana
Below Right: Jared set's new Personal Record and our new BOX record Deadlift at 455lbs.!
Below: Our CrossFit 'Ohana going for it on this WOD, which I programmed as an evil Siamese twin (Fight Gone Bad style + CrossFit Football = Evil child!)
Workout of the Day
CrossFit Kid Bradley doing lateral jumps over a medicine ball
Warm Up:
Accumulate 1:00 in any of the following:
-L-sit on rings/parallettes/bar
-Top of Pull Up
-Bottom of Squat
-Plank Hold
-Bottom of Dip
-Practice FWD roll over bar
Deadlift 1 X 5
WOD: Programmed by KC
“Embrace the Suck”
5 Rounds for Reps of:
1 min. Weighted Pull Up (or Bodyweight)
1 min. Weighted Walking Lunge (45/35 DB or KB)
1 min. Thruster (45/35 DB or KB)
1 min. Resisted Run (1 of these = 10 reps on your total count)
1 min. Rest
* Try to accumulate as many reps as possible, move from one exercise directly to the next. Partner up on the band resisted run, try to get at least 1 run each within the 1 min. time domain. Score is total reps.
CrossFit Kids
Bradley and the kids gang learn the Push Jerk, in particular the 'Oompa-loompa' dip. Yes, like Willy Wonka!
Kids Workout of the Day
Question of the day: If you could change your name to anything what would it be and why?
Warm Up:
Today spend 10 minutes practicing rolling.
3 Rounds
5 push jerks, PVC-20#
10 walking lunges
40 side-to-side hops
Cash out:
Accumulate 1:00 L-sit hold
Accumulate 3:00 in the bottom of the squat