6/29/12 CrossFit Total: Personal Records Are Contagious!

-Written by KC

The CrossFit Total

We had a tremendous amount of people hit personal records today on their individual lifts, including their CrossFit Totals, the compilation of their max efforts on the Back Squat, Strict Press, and Deadlift in that order in one session.

Follow this link for a FREE CrossFit Journal article on the CrossFit Total.

Right: Chris Matute has a bodyweight of around 180#, but managed to pull a 435# Deadlift today!

Below: Marta pulled a 255# Deadlift personal record! PR's were made by Brad, Leslie, Ben and many others! Results below.

This isn't even Jared's biggest lift today. He pulled 435# after this one!!! But I like his caveman growl at the end.

Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

Run 800m.

CF Football Dynamic Warm Up

Lateral resisted steps


CrossFit Total

Back squat, 1 rep

Shoulder Press, 1 rep

Deadlift, 1 rep


CrossFit AllStar