8/6/12 The 'Jump & Touch' and Burpee Skill Transfer Pt. 4

-Written by KC

Deceptive WODS

Some workouts look deceptively easy on the white board, until you actually perform them, and for me today was one of those wods. The Jump and Touch was by far the hardest part for me and most of the people I talked to that truly jumped a whole 12 inches above their standing reach for multiple reps of 30 at a time for 4 rounds. We did two hand touches on the target and most people used a ring, or bar for a target.

Below continues a series by Carl Paoli on the Burpee and the skill transfer over info Oly lifts. Today we did a tone of jump and land and Carl's tips for efficient jumping and landing apply here as well as to Oly.

Burpee Skill Transfer Pt. 4


Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

50 Double Unders

EMOM 8 min.

5 Squats 

5 WallBall (extra high target)

5 Sit Ups


Back Squat 3 X 5


Attach an object at precisely 12" above your maximum reach with rope or cord, and complete 4 rounds for time of:

30 Jump and touch

20 Deadlift (185/140)

10 Handstand push-ups

On-Ramp White Board  

CrossFit AllStar