1/25/13 Opu Nui in Hawaii
-Written by KC
Back in Honolulu...
I flew in to Honolulu today for the Whole9 Nutrition Seminar at KSAC (the same gym I was at last weekend for the rowing sminar) and what do my wondering eyes see....the cover story in the Honolulu Weekly is about Hawaii's obesity, and what we can do about it. Check out the story online by clicking the link HERE.
From the story: "Obesity is a societal as well as a personal sickness, and public funding for education is essential to its cure, health practitioners say. Yes, Hawaii’s adult obesity rate is second lowest in the U.S. at 21.8 percent, but let’s not pat ourselves on our fat backs. This rate has basically doubled since 1995, when 10.6 percent of us were obese."
And I found this especially interesting form the article...from May Okihiro, M.D., a pediatrician at the Waianae Coast Comprehensive Medical Center and associate professor of pediatrics at the UH John A. Burns School of Medicine. says Okihiro, is also a member of the childhood obesity prevention task force that recommended a sweetened beverage surcharge in a December, 2012 report.“It usually starts with the parents making changes not just for one kid, but the whole family makes a commitment,” she says, pointing out that our communities and society need to do the same.
Whole9 Seminar
I attend the Whole9 seminar today and will come home with a new breath of information to share. I'll be gone for the weekend but Josh and Arjun will be taking care of the gym and classes are as scheduled.
Interested in what i'm doing: You can check out the basics of Whole9 by clicking HERE.
Below: See some info from the Whole9 website and what I could be learning about this weekend! These people who are putting on the seminar, Melissa & Dallas, seem awesome and the co-wrote the New York Times bestselling book, "It Starts With Food."
See more below:
Workout of the Day
Warm Up:
Run 800m
Mobility Upper Back
Skills Test:
Max Handstand Walk for Distance or hold for time
Max L-Sit
1a) Deadlift 3 X 10
1b) Strict Weighted Pull Up 3 X 3
75 Handstand Push Ups
*Perform 20 Doubleunders or 40 singles at the top of each minute.