1/8/13 AllStar Men & kids learn the rings

-Written by KC

If you find yourself judging someone, what do you do?

Is it wrong for me to say I love teaching a class of all men...these guys rock!

They tackled a WOD with Hang Power Snatches, Burpee Over-the-Box Jumps, & KB Swings

CrossFit Kids focus on the Rings

Kids Workout of the Day

Skill Work: Rings->Hold to support->Knees Up->L-Sit


3 Rounds

25 Squats

5 Push Ups


Game: Blizzard

Adult Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

Run 800m

Rope Climb Double Under relay


1a) 3 X 3 5-Step Duck Walk *Rest 30-60sec.

1b) 3 X 5 Push Press, heavy as possible *Rest 30-60sec

Conditioning: Courtesy OutlawWay.com

4 rounds for total working time of:

8 Hang Squat Clean to Thrusters 135/95#
12 Burpee Over-the-Box Jumps 24/20″
16 KBS 24/16kg

Rest 1:1


CrossFit AllStar