12/31/13 CrossFit AllStar 2013 YEAR IN REVIEW

-Written by KC

A CrossFit AllStar 2013 YEAR IN REVIEW: A collection of accomplishments, photos, and memories of last year.

I think we can all be proud of what we've accomplished this year. With the close of 2013 and the start of 2014 most of you are thinking about, and reflecting upon GOALS. I love to think of goals as targets INSTEAD of finish lines. Goals are things that might not necessarily be a means to an end, but a path to the beginning of the rest of your world, a target you meet then move beyond to the next target doing things you've never thought possible. I'm very proud of each and every one of you for showing up, hitting your targets, and kicking ass daily. And i'm honored to be witness to all of your greatness! HERE'S TO 2014!!!! Enjoy this year in revew timeline broken down into months and PLEASE UNDERSTAND IF YOUR PICTURE ISN'T FEATURED I STILL LOVE AND ADORE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!!! I could only put so much info on here at one time, and I think I set a record for the longest AllStar Blog post ever!

Here's what CrossFit AllStar did in 2013 broken down into each month...FIRST WOD OF 2013 WAS.......

January 2013: CrossFit Rowing, Nutrition Challenges, Makahiki!

  • We attended the Whole9 nutrition seminar with Melissa and Dallas Hartwig, co-authors of 'It Starts With Food' and I took my DAD with me. I gained even more knowledge on clean eating and primal lifestyle habits in order to help our athletes flourish, including my own Father & family.
  • KC acquires a CrossFit Rowing Trainer Course Certificate to continue to gain knowledge to help become a better coach for our athletes.
  • We sponsored the 2nd NO BULLSH!T PALEO CHALLENGE hosted by Coach Josh
  • We entered for a second time, the Ka Waimea Makahiki and our Wahine team wins first place 
  • We start the AllStar Eats Recipe Box blog on our website managed by Elin Kalaniopio bringing you her favorite recipes and personal stories and touches.


 February 2013 

  • We begin 'Happy Hour Barbell Club' on Wednesday nights, open to all athletes & meant to target specific Barbell movements and increase our athletes technique and strength
  • Monthly Paleo Potlucks continue to mark the graduating class of On-Rampers
  • 2/22/13 New 5am attendance record is set of 19 people showing up for a pre-dawn workout!
  • Our box participates in the CrossFit Open as a participating affiliate
  • Josh and KC compete in Cupid's Revenge competition in Honolulu at KSAC and represent AllStar at Valentines Day and deepen their love through WODing!
  • 2/11/13 All day attendance record of 49, still used the small whiteboard at that time!
  • We volunteer at an event for Special Olympics at CrossFit Kona
  • Coach Josh attends Attitude Nation Seminar with Jon North and continues to lead Olympic Weightlifting Club on Sundays open to all athletes.


 March 2013: CrossFit OPEN, Snow WOD, & Rollerderby

  • We attempt TRIPLE UNDERS in the box for the first time and Casey Perry is the only athletes who can grab a rope and nail one of first try!
  • Expanded schedule of classes develops at the gym with more 5am & 4:30pm classes and Gymnastics specialty class to accommodate our growing family of athletes.
  • 3/28/13 Malia Vanatta performs CrossFit Open WOD 13.4 pounding out the 95# Clean and Jerks towards the end of her 7min. AMRAP. Before the wod she said, "Well I've only ever done 75#, so maybe I should do 65#?"....Coach Brad encouraged her to try 95#, she stayed true to her form and technique and did just fine! 30 Reps later she was very please with her performance! GO Malia!
  • On-Ramp program grows and participants learn CrossFit lifestyle and better their Baseline times by 1-3 minutes on average in the 6 course program
  • CrossFit AllStar tries out a 'Bootcamp' type program, which we learned wasn't really our style, but the BEST thing about bootcamp was finding BLAKE through it, and he later developed into coaching position here!
  • Paleo Potlucks continue to help support good nutrition within our community of athletes
  • AllStar Athlete Kelly S. wins 2nd in her age division in the Hilo Half Marathon and proves CrossFit CAN help train for endurance sports and events
  • AllStar Athletes Lisa Fegerian and Angie Ho win Roller Derby Bout
  • CrossFit AllStar goes on to become an official sponsor the Waimea Wranglers Rough Rollers Flat Track Roller Derby Team
  • AllStar athletes RE-DO CF Open WOD 13.2 with STEP UPS and improve their scores significantly!
  • 3/14/13 Our daughter Della is featured on the main CrossFit Kids website today!
  • CrossFit AllStar featured on main CrossFit website for performing FIRST EVER SNOW WOD ON MAUNA KEA!
  • CFAS gets featured in Honolulu Magazine for the Mauna Kea Snow WOD!
  • Barry Cruttenden, 24th Fittest Master's Athlete in last year Open in the 60+ division, comes to visit AllStar to perform Open WOD 13.1 SNATCHES AND BURPEES! He got 153!
  • We have 21 athletes enter the CrossFit Open (last year we had only had 3!)





Our 2013 CrossFit Open Roster

April 2013: AllStar Keiki in the paper!

  •  'C' is for CrossFit Kids when Maleah brings in the book her Mom and athlete Becky made for her....'C' also stands for Cindy Morse getting STRONGER IN 2013!
  • Sunday Partner WODs continue to create a strong sense of team building for our AllStar community
  • New programs and class times develop in our box
  • CrossFit AllStar chosen to train Kamehameha Schools Faculty and Staff as part of their Wellness Program
  • Our CrossFit Kids featured in the newspaper for performing a demo at Keikifest!
  • Melora celebrates her 50th Birthday WOD!
  • Kids class continues to grow and performs CrossFit Open workout 13.5

May 2013: 'Murph", Kupuna CrossFit, Oly Seminar

  • 3rd Annual Memorial Day 'Murph' honors those lost in combat, 17 athletes came out to show honor, respect, and remember.
  • 5/24/13 We establish a KUPUNA CrossFit class for ages 80 and older as part of a collaboration with Ho'onani Place Adult Day Care and receive increddible positive feedback. CrossFit Headquarters has contacted us to make a short film about the class in Jan. 2014!
  • AllStar hosts Olympic Weightlifting Seminar with Brandon Jackson
  • Josh makes us Jerk Boxes!
  • 100# Weighted Barbell Walking Lunges (front rack position) on MOTHER'S DAY!?!?

 Kameichi, 99 years works on a ring hold

Olympic Weightlifting Seminar with Brandon Jackson

June 2013: KC & Josh go on vacay, Kels & Blake step up coaching, & Kupuna in the paper!

  • Josh and KC first time leaving the box for a Summer family vacation with coaches running things while were away...and they did an AWESOME job!
  • Our Kupuna CrossFitters featured in the North Hawaii News!
  • We change the definition of Hawaiian Lu'au plate by hosting continual monthly Paleo Potlucks!
  • SMOLOV Squat cycle starts and athletes can't believe they could get so sore...
  • Coach Blake and Coach Kelsey start coaching on their own after training and shadowing!

For the full article in the North Hawaii News about our Kupuna CrossFitters click HERE.

Our Kupuna CrossFit program is making waves here in Waimea and beyond. I'm reasonably certain we might be the first CrossFit box to offer classes to 80 and up! Please click on the link above and take a moment to read the article we are so honored to be part of!

July 2013: Cheryl Brost moves into town, Chuck survives surgery with a CrossFit recovery 

  • CrossFit AllStar 'Aloha' T-shirt color vote ends up aqua and cardinal!
  • KC & Josh visit CrossFit Inferno and Bill Grundler while on the mainland for the event CrossFit for Hope
  • Another visit to DogTown CrossFit in LA reveals the longest list of House Rules EVER
  • CrossFit Games Competitor Cheryl Brost moves to Waimea and chooses to train at AllStar, changing our box FOREVER and bringing experience and expertise to our competitive athletes!
  • AllStar Athlete Chuck Shepherd recovers from neck surgery and doctor asks him to start CrossFit back up soon after surgery
  • Reebok CrossFit Nano shoes popular among athletes!

Photo courtesy cherylbrost.com/

I wanted to give you all a heads up that we'll be welcoming a new friend & CrossFit Games competitor to Waimea, and to AllStar!!! Cheryl Brost is coming to town, and from my email correspondence with her, she's a bright spirit and ready to train! Be sure to give her a warm welcome when you meet her! You might not see her in regular classes but i'm sure you'll see her around the box. I'm very honored she's chosen to be part of the CFAS family.

When I woke up the doctor said he wanted me up and moving as soon I could and reiterated that starting to exercise as soon as the incision healed was important...I was just excited that I don’t have to put everything on hold for several months and I can resume something I really enjoy without the pain.  Well, at least the neck pain, I don’t think anything can be done about the pain crossfit can cause. -Chuck Shepherd

August 2013: Kids, Teens, & KC's coach visits CFAS

  • Kids class GROWS
  • AllStar becomes and Authorized Progenex Dealer along with hosting a training facility for Progenex Sponsored Athlete Cheryl Brost
  • Army of 20 TEENS on class collaboration with Hawaii Preparatory Academy as part of their after school sports program.
  • Class surprises me with a RAW BIRTHDAY CAKE made by Jen Medeisky! ONO!
  • My remote Outlaw Coach Josh Mahon, visits and gives a clinic at AllStar

From Keiki to Kupuna! That's how we do!

September 2013: Explosive Seminar, Lurong & Blake B-Day

  • AllStar athletes attend Ryan Moody's Explosive Seminar in Hilo
  • New all day attendance record is set on 9/25/13 of 62 athletes attending classes, private training, and our new Open Gym times!
  • Matute decided so go ONLY OLY!
  • AllStar athletes participate in nations second annual largest Paleo Challenge the Luron Living Paleo Challenge!
  • AllStar initiates a 'Written Test' for On-Ramp graduation
  • Second Annual AllStar Round-Up is announced and starts to sell out fast!
  • We celebrate Coach Blake's Birthday with a '10 Girl CrossFit Workout!'

September 2013: VA Loans Showdown!

  • Veteran's Day Memorial WOD athlete's perform 'Hotshots 19'
  • September 4th CrossFit AllStar celebrates 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!
  • AllStar On-Ramp program celebrates 1 year anniversary
  • TEAM AllStar Hilo Iron (a team made up of a collaboration between Genevieve & Tauren from Hilo Iron, Bryson Manuel from CF BI, and KC from AllStar) competes at the VA Loans Showdown in Honolulu at the Neil Blaisdell Arena! We place 7th out of 54 teams!!!! AllStar Athletes: Cheryl Brost is Head Judge and Josh is a Judge at the event.

October: USAW Weightlifting

  • KC & Chris Matute attend USAW Weightlifting Certification at CrossFit Oahu
  • KC submits application to have a USAW sanctioned Weightlifting Club at CrossFit AllStar called 'Hawaii Island Barbell Club'
  • Kupuna CrossFit AllStar athlete Betsy weighs in at 80# today and sets new Deadlift PR of 35#
  • CrossFit regionals competitor and fellow Invictus athlete Erika Levitt visits AllStar and show little girls how to be BIG!
  • AllStar Athletes attend Rotary Internationals Octoberfest
  • Kameichi, at 99 years old, perfoms pull ups on the toes!
  • Farewell to Coach Ann-Marie when she moves back to Flagstaff
  • CrossFit AllStar attends annual 'Ladies Night Out' benefit for North Hawaii Hospital


November 2013: We grow together, and lose a loved one

  • Athletes perform '12 Days of Thankfulness WOD' one of the biggest workouts all year!
  • First annual Black Friday sale at AllStar inspires Coaches & Athletes to become models
  • AllStar Element is born!
  • AllStar family of athletes continues to grow rapidly!
  • 2nd Annual Halloween Candy Cash-In for CrossFit Kids to get PAID for their Halloween Candy!
  • Jason Riggins, Matute's remote specialized Oly coach visits AllStar
  • AllStar participates in Phillippene Relief WOD
  • The AllStar Kids Olympic Weighlifting TEAM is formed and trains to compete in a meet in Honolulu in Feb. 2014 it consists of Koai'a, Malia, Ford and Della ages 9-12
  • Leihiwa Campbell brings her non-profit 501c3 Living in Youth to CrossFit AllStar to help Native Hawaiian Queen Lilioukalani Childrens Trust participants train at AllStar!
  • Bacon Themed Potluck contest this month, Lizzy wins first place (AND an AllStar shirt!) for her Paleo Pumpkin Cheescake with Bacon!
  • We put on 2nd Annual AllStar Round-Up!!!!!!!! Bringing in people from all over Hawaii!
  • 2nd Annual CrossFit KIDS Rep-A-Thon helps raise over $3000 for the Michael Morriss Memorial Fund
  • AllStar Round-Up featured in the North Hawaii News!
  • We lose beloved Kupuna CrossFit Athlete Alfred Berdon may he rest in peace.


Above: Athlete group picture, Below: Volunteer Group picture, bigger turn out than last year! Mahalo to all who attended!

Alfred Berdon - Kupuna CrossFitter

September 6 1929 - November 14 2013

Alfred Berdon- Started Burdon Farms, as well as Ali’i Boat Makers right here in Kamuela. Alfred built 2,500 boats by hand and attributed his amazing health and strength to climbing up, down, and all around building these boats! Alfred started CrossFit with us at 84 years of age, and when asked at the end of each class what he enjoyed most he would reply...'Everything!'. He was a strong, sweet, and positive spirit in Kupuna CrossFit class each week. Alfred passed away this evening, at home and at peace with his family. We love you Alfred! Our hearts and prayers go out to you and your family.


  • AllStar athletes visit first of it's kind Russian Olympic Weightlifting Seminar by Silver Medal Olympian Dmitri Klokov, Polovnikov and others.
  • KC & Cheryl go on a CrossFit training tour to Honolulu, San Diego to CrossFit Invictus to visit Cheryls Coach CJ Martin, visit with Coach Burgener, and a Palm Springs CrossFit Girls Weekend!
  • AllStar participates in the Waimea Christmas PARADE!!!! Mahalo to all the Elves!!!
  • CrossFit Games Competitor comes to visit his Sister-in-Law and AllStar athlete Lora along with her SISTER Lori Delewski!
  • 2nd Annual Christmas PARTY a super FUN TIME complete with disco dance by Dan May!
  • AllStar COSMIC BOWLING NIGHT 9PM TO MIDNIGHT organized by Coach Blake!
  • Rounding out the year feeling STRONG with partner Deadlifts and a New Years Photo BOOTH!
  • KC Stallsmith gets nominated for SMALL BUSINESS PERSON OF THE YEAR for the positive growth of CrossFit AllStar LLC!!!


I'll say that pretty much sums up a KICK BUTT YEAR!!!! WE CAN DO ANYTHING! Of course there's other things you could be doing with you life besides working out and constant self improvement, but why waste a secont of this precious life? LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST! NEVER WASTE A SECOND! There's other gyms, but there's NOTHING LIKE ALLSTAR OR THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE IT SUCH A BRIGHT FORCE! And that force is YOU!!! Here's to the wrap up of 2013....and the start to upward spiral that is 2014! I'M READY, ARE YOU!?!?

Love and appreciation always,

Coach KC

CrossFit AllStar