1/6/13 MAKAHIKI IS HERE! We need YOU!

Tonight 6:30pm THE START OF THE BEST SHAPE OF YOUR LIFE....All welcome just show up!


Lonoikamakahiki a Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!

Ka Moku o Keawe Makahiki is HERE this Saturday
Jan. 11th, 7am - 5pm All day event
(Adult events start at 12noon, BUT all adult team members must be there for opening protocol at 7am!)

Don's Wife Ulu spear throwing at the 2011 Makahiki Games!

CrossFit AllStar has entered Kane & Wahine teams each year let's continue this great yearly tradition! 

It's a FUN way to kick off the new year, and something not to be missed!
Want to be involved? We would love to have you! 

Athletes & Spectators need to help support our teams! 
There is a small Athlete Entry Fee this year of $5 per adult which helps perpetuate this event, a very reasonable fee to pay for such an awesome day!

Please wear your CrossFit AllStar shirt to show team support!

We'd like to enter at least 2 teams:

1 Kane (male) team, and 1 Wahine (female) team
Each team is allowed to have 6-11 team members!
Athlete sign up is in the gym or email me back and i'll put your name down!
Here's what you can do:

1) Sign up to be on a team and compete! We need YOU!

2) Show your support for our team by showing up at the event this Saturday, Jan. 11th, at Waimea Park, 7am for opening protocol (required by team members), spectators may show up around noon for adult events. Kids event will be all morning if you can help support our keiki please come early! Bring a chair if you like and cheer on our ALLSTAR TEAM! Don't forget to wear your CFAS shirt if you have one!

3) Help sit at the CrossFit AllStar information table. Any amount of your time will help. Their will be passports for participants to get stamped at each booth to win a prize. We will need to have someone at our booth at all times to give out the stamps. Please let me know so we can organize. Hopefully we can set up our 'Athlete Area' next to the table so that our 'chill out' area is by the CFAS info table.

4) CFAS will have a large cooler with water & snacks provided for our competitors. Please bring your own water and snacks if you are spectating and not competing. There will also be food vendors there, and each year the food gets better and better! Healthy Hawaiian lu'au plates will be for sale, some smoothies and other food items.


Attached are some highlights of the 2011 event!
KC & Marta Umauma arm wrestling
Ulu maika & Moa pahe'e implements
Arjun wins at Konane, Hawaiian game like Checkers

Just email me back and let me know if you would like to be involved. Or IF YOU WANT TO SPECTATE just show up on Saturday to support our team and the Hawaiian healthy food concessions that will be selling food at the event. This helps support Na Pua No'eau cultural studies, and Kanu o Ka 'Aina New Century Public Charter School, many of our CrossFit Kids' attend this school! 
Let me know if you have any additional questions!

Coach KC



CrossFit AllStar