2/7/13 Our CrossFit Kids pretty much ROCK.

-Written by KC

The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children. -Dietrich Bonhoeffer 

CF Kids work on sandbag & medicine ball shuttle sprints!

Adults go upside down in an isometric hold skill set, and right side up for Wall Ball Shots!

Workout of the Day

Warm Up:
Dodgeball 3min. w/ squat penalty
Speed/agility ladder skills

Isometric Skill Tests:
For max time hold...
-The bottom of a puch up
-Hanging bar hold (any grip)
-Plank (on hands or elbows)

150 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
for time

*Or modify weight and/or reps and focus on learning movement.

Below so many new personal records broken today!!! We have updated the leaderboard!


CrossFit AllStar