6/10/13 Partner 'Grace'
-Written by KC
Photographer Aniela is back for a week from college in Hong Kong and Georgia, and we did some tricks for her camera...
If u want help with your skills show up Tuesday night 6:30pm at the box for a gymnastics specialty class(we moved it from Sunday). It's part of your Unlimited Membership take advantage!
KC Max Effort Unbroken Strict Muscle Ups
KC Ring Swings to Hip, Transfer Skill for Muscle Up
Workout of the Day
Warm Up:
Run 400m
Partner Up, parnter 1 does a round of 'Cindy' (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats), while partner 2 works on shoulder mobility with the ball or band. Each parnter does 3 rounds
6 X 100m. Sprints with variations made up by class!
Strength & Conditioning:
Partner "Grace"
30 Clean & Jerks each, only one partner works at a time, only 1 rep at a time. Work as a team for total time.