6/11/13 Gymnastics Class at AllStar & PRs

-Written by KC

Apprentice Coaches Kelsey and Blake (Right) and AllStar Photogrpher Aniku (Left). Loving our AllStar Community!

Gymnastics Class had a pretty good turnout!

Aniku Chong set a new High Bar back squat PR of 255#

Scott Yoell sets a new record High Bar Back Squat PR of 195#

Marta & Josh Strict Ring Chin Ups w/ False Grip, transfer work for the Muscle Up. Where's your hollow body position Marta?

Gymnastics programming for Tuesday night's class, 6:30pm

Workout of the Day Courtesy OutlawWay.com

Warm Up:

Run 800m

EMOM for 5 minutes:

2 Hang Squat Cleans @ 70%

Notes: This is meant to provide a warm up for both the legs and the CNS. DO NOT go above the prescribed weight. Each set should be easy and fast.


1) 20 minutes to establish a 1RM HBBS.

Notes: The Cleans should provide a good warmup, but you will still need some Squat sets of 2-3 reps. Once you reach the 80-90% range, take 2 minutes rest then perform a “Walkout” (simply setup like you’re going to squat, walk out of the rack, and hold the weight on your back for 5 seconds – DO NOT attempt to squat – belts are recommended for this movement) with 5-10% more than your projected maximal Squat. If you are projecting 400#, walk out with approximately 425#. After your “Walkout”, rest 2 minutes then begin your near maximal and maximal attempts. If you have not missed an attempt you may go slightly over the time limitation.

2) 150 Burpees for time.


CrossFit AllStar