6/11/13 Gymnastics Class at AllStar & PRs
-Written by KC
Apprentice Coaches Kelsey and Blake (Right) and AllStar Photogrpher Aniku (Left). Loving our AllStar Community!
Gymnastics Class had a pretty good turnout!
Aniku Chong set a new High Bar back squat PR of 255#
Scott Yoell sets a new record High Bar Back Squat PR of 195#
Marta & Josh Strict Ring Chin Ups w/ False Grip, transfer work for the Muscle Up. Where's your hollow body position Marta?
Gymnastics programming for Tuesday night's class, 6:30pm
Workout of the Day Courtesy OutlawWay.com
Warm Up:
Run 800m
EMOM for 5 minutes:
2 Hang Squat Cleans @ 70%
Notes: This is meant to provide a warm up for both the legs and the CNS. DO NOT go above the prescribed weight. Each set should be easy and fast.
1) 20 minutes to establish a 1RM HBBS.
Notes: The Cleans should provide a good warmup, but you will still need some Squat sets of 2-3 reps. Once you reach the 80-90% range, take 2 minutes rest then perform a “Walkout” (simply setup like you’re going to squat, walk out of the rack, and hold the weight on your back for 5 seconds – DO NOT attempt to squat – belts are recommended for this movement) with 5-10% more than your projected maximal Squat. If you are projecting 400#, walk out with approximately 425#. After your “Walkout”, rest 2 minutes then begin your near maximal and maximal attempts. If you have not missed an attempt you may go slightly over the time limitation.
2) 150 Burpees for time.