6/12/13-6/13/13 UPDATES from past 48 hours!

-Written by KC

What advice would you give the 5 year old in you?

I swear so much happens around here at every moment I feel like if I'm not constantly updating this website I will miss out on sharing all of it with YOU! This box ROCKS and it's all because you YOU GUYS! Here we go:

Blake, after shadowing and training many classes with KC, starts coaching his own classes this week! Apparently he did a great job as you can see bodies heaped on the floor below after the wod:)

KC visits CrossFit Kona and works out with Lynn Howard from HTS Security. The 3 of us shown below, including CF Kona owner Monty, are all part of BNI together, Business Networking International. What fun it was to be in a gym together instead of in a BNI meeting (although I love those to!)

"When people say they don't like to toot their own horn they're really saying is, "toot toot". Today I celebrate five years without the use of drugs and alcohol in my life."-Coach Josh Stallsmith

We are so proud of you Josh! Setting a great example for wellness, in all aspect of life. You are amazing!

Wednesday Night Happy Hour Barbell Club!


 Workout of the Day 6/12/13

Warm Up:

With a partner accumulate Max Reps Double unders while other partner planks. Only one partner works at a time. Collect reps for 3 min.


Shoulder Mob @ wall, cactus stretch

Foam Roller on IT band


3 X Max Effort Bar Muscle Up OR 3 X Max Effort Pull Up AND Rind dip OR Hold to support


3 Rounds for time of:

7 Deadlift 315/205

14 Burpees

*Rest EXACTLY 5 min. then...

3 Rounds for time of:

21 Wall Ball Shots

400m. Run


Workout of the Day 6/13/13

Warm Up:
3 Rounds not for time of:
30-50 Double unders
12-15 Toes to Bar

Dynamic Stretches:

-Arm swing side to side
-Bend over arm swing
-Arm circles big to small
-Arm circle change direction small to big
-Legkicks straight legs
-Golfclub kicks
-air squats
-jumping lunges

5 sets of the following complex:
1 Deadlift + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Clean
Rest 2 min.

between sets, work up to a heavy load, people go at own pace (about 15 min)

5 Rounds
Run 400m
15 OH Squats

CrossFit AllStar