6/6/13-6/7/13 So much happens in 48 hours!

-Written by KC

I'll attempt to review what's happened at the box in the last 48 hours...it's incredible to witness so much going on! Everyone keeps moving forward, getting better and stronger, more confident, and connected to their greatest selves. We couldn't ask for more!

Marta at 53 yrs. confident in Handstand Push Ups!! There's nothing you can't do!

Kupuna CrossFit Class on Thursday's at 1pm every other Thursday, come by and check it OUT! 99 Year Old Kameichi on ring rows as Chiyo looks on

Everyone remember Amy from TJs gym in CA??? Well she sent 2 TJ's Gym coaches and Regional Competitors to visit our box! Awesome folks Even and Jess, married couple and outstanding athletes!

Brad shows us how it's DONE! Bench Press 265# double!

Friday's Work involved a tricky move! The Dumbell Squat Snatch!

Today's Friday afternoon class was rocking big and going OFF! Way to WOD hard!

Blake taught his FIRST CrossFit class as an apprentice Coach and did outstanding! His Volleyball coaching experience at HPA has laid the foundation for some great coaching skills. He's put in so much time at the box recently with shadow coaching and training sometimes 2 WODs a day, he's become like a fixture here, learning more and more in order to help all of YOU! GO BLAKE!

Workout of the Day 6/6/13

Warm Up:

Partner Warm Up, accumulate 70 box jumps as a team of 2. One partner hangs on the bar the other jumps, when on can no longer hold, rotate.


Bench Press 7 X 2 as heavy as possible




Double Unders

Sit Ups

***Advanced Options

***Weighted "Annie" with a 20# weight vest (Danny and Brad actually did this!!)

***Double "Annie" reps of 50-40-30-20-10-20-30-40-50

Workout of the Day 6/7/13

Warm Up:

Partner Warm Up, accumulate 100 KB swings as a team. One partner swings, one partner planks..switch as needed


Back Squat 3 X 5 as heavy as possible


AMRAP 20 min.


7 C2B Pull UPs

10 Dumbell Squat Snatch (alternating) 35/25




CrossFit AllStar