8/19/13 Special Coaching weekend at AllStar with Guest Coach from Outlaw & CF Deep Ellum

-Written by KC

Visiting Coach Josh Mahon from Texas delivers awesome clinic for our AllStar athletes! Thank you Josh!

Special TREAT

For those of you who took the effort to show up on Sunday to Olympic Weightlifting Club, you got a special treat! My remote coach came in from Texas and delivered quite an awesome clinic which broke down the Snatch in a great way. He spent so much time with us going over details of every warm up movement and body position of the lift, I think it's fair to say we were all pretty sore and tired just from working with PVC and a bare barbell. The efforts will continue in our box, and I hope you all take advantage of our Barbell Club on Wednesday nights 6-8pm, and Olympic Weightlifting Club on Sundays 11-1pm. I think the importance of these specialty classes is vastly misunderstood. As Coach Josh said, at his gym you usually have to 'test in to' these types of classes, and then if you don't show up consistently you are asked to not show up at all. These lifts take commitment, time, and dedication from the ATHLETE, not just the coach. And don't expect to learn these lifts by just coming to CrossFit class because you won't. If you want to be your best in the lifts, you need to put in the training time, either on your own or in our specialty classes that are available. 

Upper T-Spine Mobility

Breaking down the lifts


Josh from Texas even enjoyed a great morning hike to the top of the Z-Trail in Waipi'o with Josh and KC!

Thanks so much for coming out to do some 'real time' coaching and help our athletes continue to move forward and progress!
If anyone wants to get in contact with Josh Mahon let me know and i'll forward you his contact!
Mahalo Josh!

CrossFit AllStar