8/20/14-8/21/13 Welcome Graduating Class of August 2013 On-Rampers!
-Written by KC
Paleo Potluck and 15 Graduating On-Ramp students! Rock ON!
Healthiest plate of Potluck food on the planet right here.
On-Ramp results! Most people did the Baseline workout 2-3 minutes faster! Showing improvemnt in body awareness, mechanics, and speed.
Workout of the Day 8/20/13
Warm Up:
Farmers & Loggers
then 3 Rounds for Quality:
10 Toes to Bar
4 Pistols
10 Push Ups
Back Squat 3 x 3
30 min. Partner AMRAP
10 Thrusters
10 Box Jumps
400m run
***Partners work one at a time on each complete round
Workout of the Day 8/21/13
Warm UP:
Run 800m
Shoulder Mobility
T-Spine Mobility
Pick Back Squat or Push Press
set 1, 5 reps
set 2, 3 reps
set 3, 1 rep
set 4, 5 reps
set 5, 3 reps
set 6, 1 rep
***Load based on FEEL, but should be heavy for you
100 Burpees for time
*Perform 3 rope climbs every 2 min. starting at the 0:00