8/5/13 Visitors from ITALY!
-Written by KC
In photo above, and shown below: Antonello and Laura from Italy! Antonello is an Affiliate owner from CrossFit Sabina. These guys are wonderful it's very special to have CrossFit friends come in from across the world!!!
Below: NEW On-Ramp class is going OFF! 15 people learning the basics and choosing to live better.
Travis from CrossFit BOOM in Texas, 435# for 3 reps!!!
Workout of the Day
Warm UP:
Agility Ladders
Foam Roller and twists
4 Sets
5 Back Squat @ 70%
-Rest 20 sec
Max Effort Pull UPs
-Rest 1 min.
2 Sets each for times of:
Run 400m/Row 500m
30 Wall Ball shots
15 Toes to bar
*Treat this workout like a test. See if you can meet or get a better time in you second set.