STELLAR happenings at the box!
New Space!
Along with doubling our space to 2500sq. ft. by mid-August, we have a new logo, new colors, new organization, new desk and cabinets thanks to Coach Josh our custom cabinet maker, and a whole new VIBE! We're growing...WITH YOU! Save the date of our Re-Grand Opening party August 16th after the Barbell Rodeo! More details to come! Below: pic of construction...please peek your head in as you come and go to class! It's looking good! Mahalo for everyones support!
CrossFit Games is HERE!
Cheryl had her last workout in the gym today before leaving tomorrow to compete in the CrossFit Games in Carson,California! She's very prepared and i've got full confidence that she'll do VERY WELL in the international competition. The Masters compete next week Tues-Thurs. July 22-24 you can watch live coverage online at CrossFitGames.com look for Cheryl! I'll be heading over to watch her compete, provide support, and participate in the networking activities at the event. I'll be updating facebook and our website so be sure to keep checking in! Coaches Kelsey, Blake, Wayne, Don, Chris, and Josh will take over as i'll be gone from the gym from Jan. 21-28. Be good to your coaches:) WHILE I'M AWAY EXPECT LOTS OF CROSSFIT BENCHMARK WORKOUTS! We did this theme last summer when I left, so we'll be retesting this summer! These are the 'named' workouts we keep on our leaderboard like 'Diane', 'Eva', 'JT', 'Karen' and more! Below: pic of Cheryl in 2012 R eebok CrossFit Games. BROST MODE!!!
RUNNING on side of road
A big portion of my day today was spent trying to make the running route safer between the bottom of the driveway and the 400m mark. The grass had become very overgrown in that area causing a small shoulder for running that just wasn't big enough or safe. I spent the day working on that area with pick ax and shovel to remove the overgrown grass. You'll now see a wider, and safer area there to run and at the 400m turn around. Your safety is my biggest concern.
READ these important points about running at the box! Mahalo!
- You ALWAYS have the option not to run on the road. You may run to the 200 or 300 meter marks as many times as needed to accumulate the prescribed distance for a warm up or workout. This is also on the liability waiver you signed in order to train at CFAS and states
"RUNNING ON THE SIDE OF ROADS: CROSSFIT ALLSTAR GIVES CLIENTS THE OPTION TO NOT RUN ON THE SIDE PRIVATE ROADS OR PUBLIC ROADS. By signing this document client acknowledges that participation in CROSSFIT ALLSTAR activities (including running, jogging or walking) on the side of private roads, public roads or highways entail known and inherent risks, as well as unkown and unanticipated risks that could result in physical or emotional injury, illness, paralysis, death, or damage to me, my child, my property, or to third parties. CROSSFIT ALLSTAR does not permit any running, walking, jogging or any activity ON public highways or roads."
- STAY ON THE RIGHT SIDE when running! If you are turning around at the 400m mark, stay on the right as you approach, then turn and pivot to the left and come back on the right. Do not stop at the 400m mark or someone behind you might run into you and could go into the road causing injury.
- Safety belt required at all times, particularly at 5am where the reflection properties of the belt keep you safe. Exceptions: unless someone is wearing a fluorescent safety color shirt and it is daytime, then belt not required. If your coach asks you to wear a belt, and you don't want to, you'll be asked not to run on the road and stay in the parking lot to do your run in 200 or 300 meter portions.
- Below: The widened road! YAY!