CrossFit Video Contest Results CFAS makes it to the final round of judging and appears on the mainpage!

Although we didn't win...we still feel quite proud because we were chosen to be one out of 10 videos in the world to make it into the final round of judging for the CrossFit Video Contest. The video is meant to feature the affiliate owner, in this case myself, KC Stallsmith owner of CrossFit AllStar in Waimea, Hawaii. This was a great honor, and we were blessed to be featured on the CrossFit mainpage and shared with the world online, and more importantly this is a great reminder to myself, WHY I do what I do daily. 

MAHALO to Sally Lundburg of Mahi'ai Creative for producing the video, Michael Tenenbaum for the Music, and all the athletes and coaches that are featured in the video and in my LIFE! 

To watch the video click HERE.

Some of you in the movie Coach Josh Stallsmith, Karyn Clay and the Kupuna CrossFitters Chiyo Pai, Blossom, Lisa Fujioka's mother Betsy, and Cindy Morse's mother Billy, CrossFit Kids Max, Ella, Della, and Kia'i, Becky Adams, Danny Adams, Coach Albert Police, Coach Wayne Hess, Coach Blake Gutieres, Coach Chris, Athletes Zoe Salazar, Wennson Marcelino, Luz Lina Brodowy, Ross Lee, Joshua Akiona, May Hampton, Becca Green, Aunty Kala Akima, Aunty Pua'ala Niau, Amy Suh, Zach Reece, Johnny Kennedy, Malia Vanatta, Jason Stallsmith, Waimea McKeague, and Umi, along with scenes from the crowd at the 2014 AllStar Round-Up and CrossFit AllStar Kids class. MAHALO to all of you for you continued support!
If you are interested in being more involved with what we do or starting CrossFit Training our next BEGINNER COURSE startsJune 1! It's a great way to learn the basics, or if you've been away from the gym for a while it's a great way to REFRESH and get back on track again! for more details reply to this email and see poster below!

Forward to family and friends you love! MAHALO!

KC Stallsmith
* Owner * Motivator * * 808.357.7851 *

Have an AllStar day!


CrossFit AllStar