1/11/12 Runs & Deads & Turkeys
-Written by KC
How many other CrossFit boxes have backyard Turkeys?
Left:Beautiful Pua'ala on Deadlifts. Right: The gym waits for athletes to return from the run.
Left: Kit on the Rope Ascent, almost at the end of our 30 day Rope Theme.
Left: Mother, Layne and daughter, Julia(13yrs) train side by sied together at 5AM, INSPIRING!!! Right: Suzanne Friend and her son Victor (16 yrs) train side by side at the 8:30 class, what a blessing to have such wonderful families at AllStar!!!
Workout of the Day
Warm Up:
50 Double Unders
3 Rope Ascents
Makahiki Practice
Hakamoa: Chicken Fight
Kiloi Pohaku: Stone Toss(with 20# Med Ball)
Complete as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes of:
Run 400 meters
Deadlift 155/115 pounds, 21 reps