1/13/12 Cleans & Handstand Push Up on Rings

-Written by KC

GOOD JOB THIS WEEKEND REPRESENTING CROSSFIT ALLSTAR AT MAKAHIKI!!! If anyone has good pictures or video from last Saturdays Ka Waimea Makahiki Games please email to me at kc@crossfitallstar.com. I am putting together our website album!

The Handstand Push Up on Rings



  • Hands shoulder width apart at the bottom of the rings
  • Point your elbows back by trying to turn your hands out to a ten & two o'clock thumb position
  • Descend by sending shoulders (and head) forward and keeping lower arm vertical
  • Make sure your head is in front of your hands at the bottom of the push up
  • Push back up to handstand while maintaining hollow body position during the entire movement

Note: Legs can be on the cables for assistance to guide direction, but not for pulling.

Squat Cleans

Tammie Akau perfoming a Squat Clean in the workout today. Notice how she keeps the bar really close, so close it lifts up her shirt. That is how close the bar should be to your hips and body.






A big shout out to our AllStar athletes Carrie Jenkins and Monica Tarver who went to the CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Course in Honolulu and recently found out they both passed the written test. YAY! The more knowledge we all have about Crossfit the better our entire box will be as a whole. Good job AllStars!

Below: A picture of their Level 1 class in Honolulu, others who also attended from the Big Island: Bryson, U'i, Kapua, Amy, Lani and more from CrossFit Big Island in Hilo and CrossFit Ali'i in Kona!



Progressions for the Handstand Push on Rings included inverted box push ups in a pike position.


Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

400m. Run

3 Rounds of:

10 each leg Dutch warm up kick
10 Shoulder Dislocate
10 Overhead Squat
10 Push Ups
10 Hollow Rocks

followed by another 400m run


Ring Handstand Push Up & Squat Clean


Seven rounds for time of:

205 pound Clean, 3 reps

4 Ring handstand push-ups


CrossFit AllStar