12/29/12 & 12/30/12 Attitude Nation Salute at CrossFit AllStar in Waimea!

-Written by KC

Superman Pull...SAY WHAT?

Josh and I spent some time on Friday talking about Jon North's style of Weightlifting, which is to actually make contact with the bar, something very different than what we usually practice. Josh attended Jon North's Attitude Nation Seminar on Maui a couple months ago...before Jon took first place in his weight division in the USAW American Open National competition. Take a look at the video below, big load(Snatch 335#!!!), full bar contact through the middle, and a successful lift. Josh took this video at the seminar. Notice the low catch peoples. I've posted instructional videos from Jon North below.

I like to think there are many ways to lift a bar. Just like there are many of us with different body types, some methods might work better than others for some people, and not for others. I'm trying to keep my mind open and try new things...just as 'fitness' comes in many forms...try for yourself and see. Below you can read some blog comments from Jon North himself to get an idea of how he thinks, I love the comments he makes about kids and raising them up in our weightliftiing culture:

Coach Josh working on the Jerk at Sunday Olympic Weightlifting Club

From http://jonnorth.blogspot.com/:

"Bar contact.....why so over looked? Why not talked about? A sad story is what this is to me, a story about a kid that never had a chance, overlooked and pushed to the side.  I am in the making of putting together another hit and catch drill that I think will help many people, including myself, figure out better timing and a better relationship that we and the bar must have in order to lift more weight than we are lifting now.  Just a tool, not a be all.  Just another advantage that could possibly determine a win from a lose. Who really knows.  Shit, I don't, I just try, lift, and do what works.  If timed correctly, or whatever correctly actually is, let's say - if done well, then the bar will bend as if leaning your partner over in a dance while reaching for a kiss....and getting it.  It's a beautiful feeling, and a better sight.  This is how I have the weakest legs in USA weightlifting, but currently am the number one weightlifter in the country. But "they" don't speak about fight club."

 "Every night for an athlete is Christmas Eve. The faster we fall asleep, the faster we will be drinking coffee. The faster we drink coffee, the faster we get to do what we love the most..... and that is to train.  The best part of training is that it's a magnet, a magnet that brings close friends, family, and teammates to you, and vise versus.  Yes, lifting is fun, but lifting with others is even better.  Yes, lifting is great, but making new friends is just as great, and what is even more satisfying, is the world you have or are creating for your kids.  We the people, we the athletes, have created the best day care, the best environment, and the best life lessons ever for our kids...... the world of training can never be topped. It is a lifestyle that teaches you that pain is good, and that hard work pays off.  It is a lifestyle that will be the first to tell you of your mistakes and bad decisions. It is a lifestyle that teaches you the value of a miss, or better yet.... failure. -Jon North

Jon North's Hit & Catch Videos Part I, II, & III

Workout of the Day: Saturday, 12/29/12

Warm Up: Dodgeball + Dutch Warm Up

Partner workout: 2012 Complex Celebration

With a partner complete the following:

300m. Sandbag Carry (One partner carries to the half way point, other partner carries back) 135/95

20 each. Pull Up Bar Complex: 1 Pull Up + 1 Toes to Bar + 1 Chin Up + 1 reverse grip Toes to Bar = 1 rep.

300m. Sandbag Carry

20 each. Med Ball Complex: Burpee on the ball w/ hands on ball + med ball clean + wall ball shot = 1 rep. 20/14#

300m. Sandbag Carry

12 each Barbell Complex: 1 Deadlift + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 P. Press (or Thruster) + 1 bar behind back standing lunge each leg + Push Press bar to front = 1 rep

5 Rope Climbs each partner

Workout of the Day: Sunday 12/30/12 

Olympic Weightlifting Club


20 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch.

20 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk.


Front Squats:

1) Every 30 seconds for 2:00 (5 reps) – 1 rep @ 80%
-rest 1 minute
2) Every 30 seconds for 2:00 (5 reps) – 1 rep @ 85%
-rest 1 minute
3) Every 30 seconds for 2:00 (5 reps) – 1 rep @ 90%

CrossFit AllStar