4/4/12 Overhead Walking Lunges & Double Dutch

-Written by KC

Great day for walking lunges!

It was a beautiful Waimea day today on the Big Island of Hawaii! How blessed we are! The WOD today was really cool in that many folk could, and did for their first time, perform the workout RX! Yay for you guys!

Right: Layne and Liz working the Overhead Barbell Walking lunge

Below Left: Burpees with Kip and Pam while Liz and Layne perform their lunges outside

Below Right: For those who wanted, a weightplate was used as a modification.

Workout of the Day

Warm Up:



Max reps Bar Pull Up  from dead hang

Max reps Toes to Bar from L Hang

Max time Handstand Hold/ Modify Against Wall

*Group jump rope/Double Dutch (I SO wish I had a picture of this but I had to turn the rope! You guys have mad jumproping skills with the big rope I had no idea!)


Five rounds for time of:
50 feet Barbell Overhead walking lunges (45/35)
21 Burpees

Let trailing knee gently kiss the ground on each lunge.

Done Early?: 50 Leg Raises/ 50 Sit Ups/ 50 Flutterkicks


CrossFit AllStar