1/5/13 The Obesity Crisis
-Written by KC
Image courtesy of Cascade Healthcare Solutions
Workout of the Day
Josh & Amy partner up for the ball tosses over the pull up bars
Todays Saturday partner workout was nuts and came from the mind of Harry Stallsmith, otherwise know as Josh. I'll try to re-create it in text format here:
Grace Meets Helen Partner Workout
*With one partner perform the following, only one partner works at a time
40 Medicine Ball Tosses over pull up bars
"Grace" a choice to do with your partner as:
30 Clean & Jerks (135/95) OR:
perform as many reps as needed to reach the total weight in pounds that a full "Grace" wod would be 8,100# for men teams or 5,700# for female teams. Divide the workload up however you want, if a partner wants to do more weight and less reps, or less weight and more reps, as long as you and your partner work together to get the total pounds required of this portion of the workout.
"Helen" as prescribed 3 Rounds each of:
400m Run
12 Pull Ups
21 Kettlebell Swings OR
Divide total workload of 2 Helens up between partners and perform work however you choose so that you do the total workload of: 2,400m of running, 72 Pull Ups, & 126 Kettlebell Swings.
300 Doubleunders or 900 single unders
split the work up between the 2 partners, only one partner works at a time.