4/12/13 Keiki Fest Saturday!

-Written by KC

CrossFit AllStar KIDS represent at Keiki fest FREE event just for kids this Saturday at Parker Ranch Center 9am-2pm! Mini workouts at the top of each hour.

Della enjoying the chalk...oh boy it starts young!


Breakfast, completely paleo and I didn't have to prepare a thing! 

 Joanie Whitcomb Rumpeltes has a business making paleo inspired meals and selling at Pukalani
Stables farmers market on Wednesdays. I stock up and have great food for the week. I do not receive commission, kick backs, or incentives for promoting her service. Its just to good not to share! I recommend anyone in the Waimea area buy her food if you think it's to 'hard' to make healthy food yourself. Go to her website www.fitfoodclub.com and find out how you can get emails with the paleo menu of the week!


Please make good use of the new spray bottles and get into a habit of wiping off your gear. Also, please do not drop plates when you stack them, the inner collars are coming loose on some of them. Be gentle. Mahalo.

Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

5 Rounds 

3 Squats

3 Burpee

3 Pull Up


15 min to establish 1 RM Clean & Jerk


15 min. to establish 1 RM Bench Press



Overhead Squat 95/65

Pull Up


CrossFit AllStar