4/29/13 30x4 of Hard Stuff!
Hard Stuff is Fun!
The athletes of CrossFit AllStar showed up another Monday to happily take the abuse that our short high-intensity WOD's unfailingly deliver. Once you get used to it, its pretty "Fun!" Why else would 14 normal everyday people with jobs, children and responsibilites show up at our gym at 4:50 AM? As well as throughtout the day and evening. Playing Dodgeball, lifting barbells overhead, jumping over tall boxes, doing chest to bar pullups and handstand pushups will remind you that your alive, strengthen you and be painfully "Fun" in a CrossFit "is that all you got?" kinda way. It does sound scary, but all our athletes are able to scale the movements according to their abilities and to push them selves in a "Safe" way. Thank you all for coming and proving to each other that good healthy hard work is "Fun!"
Dodgeball 3 min.
Strength (Courtesy The Outlaw Way)
1a) 5x3 Snatch first pulls w/ 3 count pause at the knee-heaviest possible
rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
1b) 5X5 Tempo HBBS @ 75% – rest 60 sec.
*Notes: Quick descent, 3 counts (seconds) in the rock bottom, bounce and quick back up.
Conditioning (Courtesy The Outlaw Way)
For time:
30 Push Press 135/95#
30 Over-the-Box Jumps 30/26″ (touch top)
30 C2B Pull-ups
30 Deficit HSPU (6/4″ to Ab-Mat)